OnlineNIC Extends ORG Promotion to 06/30/2007

To celebrate the new year of 2006, as well as to facilitate an opportunity especially suited for new non-commercial registrants to expand Internet presence in developing areas, OnlineNIC works with registry to carry out a dedicated ORG promotion, 00:00:00 UTC 01 January 2007- 23:59:59 UTC 30 June 2007 , which entitles registrants in certain developing countries to get ORG domain name at a rather low price (as low as $3.69). OnlineNIC takes $3 off for all eligible ORG registrations as a rebate to registrants.

Program rules:
  • Dates: New registrations made during the period 00:00:00 UTC 01 January 2007- 23:59:59 UTC 30 June 2007 are eligible.

  • Only the first year of each new registration is eligible. Renewals and transfers are not eligible. If an eligible registration is made for a term of more than one year, only the first year will receive a rebate. All new .ORG registrations, including Internationalized Domain Names, are eligible so long as they meet the other requirements. Only new registrations with Registrant Contact Information including Contact Country in the following Program Countries are eligible.

  • Program Countries: China/Southeast Asia countries: CN, HK, MM, TH, LA, KH, VN, TW, SG, ID, MY, and IN plus ICANN's LAC Region: AG, AR, BB, BO, BR, BS, BZ, CL, CO, CR, CU, DM, DO, ED, GD, GT, GY, HN, HT, JM, KN, LC, MX, NI, PA, PE, PY, SR, SV, TT, UY, VC, VE; and ICANN's AF Region: AO, BF, BI, BJ, BW, CD, CF, CG, CI, CM, CV, DJ, DZ, EG, EH, ER, ET, GA, GH, GN, GQ, GW, LR, LS, LY, MA, MG, ML, MR, MU, MW, MZ, NA, NE, NG, RE, RW, SC, SD, SL, SN, SO, ST, SZ, TD, TG, TN, TZ, UG, ZA, ZM, ZW

  • For all eligible registrations, $3 will be refunded almost immediately to your account right after the registration. The promotion price for Platinum reseller is $3.69, Gold $3.99, Silver $4.49 and Bronze $4.99.

  • During the promotion period, if .ORG domain is deleted, the $3 rebate (if apply) will be re-charged, meanwhile, another $3 deletion fee may apply (if the domain is deleted only for correcting registration mistakes, please contact customer service and we may refund the deletion fee).

  • Since OnlineNIC is working with the registry to carry out this promotion, in case an ORG registration is verified, by either the registry or OnlineNIC, to be invalid/fraudulent for the rebate, OnlineNIC reserves the right to revoke the rebate (which means to charge the general price for such registration) and notify the customer.

  • OnlineNIC reserves the right to adjust the price scheme and other rules upon 15 days notice to all customers.

  • We encourage our customers to take this opportunity to increase name growth space and outreach in your area.

    Good Selling!

    OnlineNIC, Inc.